Chamber of Crafts coordinates Dutch - German Circular Economy Clusters
The Chamber of Crafts (Handwerkskammer Münster) is opening up its expertise on circular economy to other sectors and took the lead for the “Circular Economy” cluster in the German-Dutch “TECH.LAND program”.
The Chamber of Crafts brings in its experience with the “Two4C” project, which the Handwerkskammer Münster has been coordinating in the Euregio since 2023. It is funded by the European Regional Development Fund - INTERREG. Two4C is aimed at the wood, metal, mechanical engineering, construction and plastics industries. “As part of TECH.LAND, companies from other economic sectors can also turn to us if they want to design their production processes in such a way that fewer resources are used and raw materials remain in the production cycle for a long time,” says project manager Thomas Melchert, deputy managing director of the HWK.
The other partner institutions of the TECH.LAND circular economy cluster met at the HWK's Haus Kump to kick off the collaboration: the Euregio, on the German side Münsterland e. V., the WESt mbH, IHK Nord Westfalen and on the Dutch side the Twente Board, Oost NL and the Gemeente Enschede. Together with universities in the region, they also want to develop an action plan to establish the circular economy. The common goal is to support companies in the border region in switching to more sustainable business, avoiding waste and reusing materials.
The motto of the TECH.LAND program is “Transforming borders into connections.” It takes up the goals of the EU Green Deal program. Other clusters concern “Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics”, "Batteries", "Hydrogen" and “Health and MedTech”.
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