Start of the Circular Economy Interreg Project!
The circular economy is at the top of Europe’s political agenda. With the European Green Deal all member states strive for a CO2-neutral, environmentally friendly, pollution-free and complete circular economy.
Within the framework of Interreg VI, project partners have also come forward who want to contribute to this, because this challenge plays a major role in the economy on both sides of the border. The Chamber of Crafts Münster, the County of Grafschaft Bentheim, Oost NL, Stichting Kiemt, Saxion and various Dutch and German SMEs will work together to stimulate the conversion process to a circular economy in the German-Dutch border region and to support the economy in this process.
Through various project measures, the development towards new circular processes and business models in SMEs will be stimulated. The project partners expect to reach a total of 500 companies in the border region with a Quick Scan during the project period, making them aware of the importance of switching to a circular economy. With this Quick Scan, companies from the wood, electrical, plastics processing, metal and mechanical engineering, and construction and finishing industries can find out where they currently stand in terms of the circular economy and where improvements can be made. They can then connect and partner with a knowledge institution, supply chain partner or other similar companies.
In this partnership, they launch their own projects that address, among other things, the efficient use of resources, the conversion of material use to a circular approach, and the reduction of waste to the greatest extent possible. In training courses, companies learn about the design principles and business models of the circular economy. In addition, they can adopt them directly into concrete plans for their own products and services. Furthermore, tutorials for SMEs on various current topics are made available. Through these tutorials, companies can gain additional valuable insights that will enable them to become more circularly oriented. Possible topics for these tutorials include financing, laws and regulations, circular business models, circular innovation, or cross-border collaboration.
#handwerkskammermuenster #oostnl #circulareconomy