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26 September 2024

6. Grenzlandkonferenz (6th Borderland Conference) in Krefeld

The North Rhine-Westphalian-Dutch Borderland Conference takes place annually. After Venlo (2019), Duisburg (2020), Enschede (2021), Aachen (2022), Nijmegen (2023), this year it is Krefeld's turn.

The Borderland Conference brings together people who are committed to removing border obstacles, e.g. in the areas of security, the labor market and mobility. In recent years, a network has emerged that extends not only across borders, but also across all political and administrative levels. This meeting is the moment to look back together, take steps in cooperation and formulate ambitions for the future.

The North Rhine-Westphalian-Dutch Borderland Conference takes place annually. After Venlo (2019), Duisburg (2020), Enschede (2021), Aachen (2022), Nijmegen (2023), this year it is Krefeld's turn.

During the conference, a political meeting will be held, attended by the Minister for Federal and European Affairs, International Affairs and Media of North Rhine-Westphalia and Head of the State Chancellery, the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands, the King's Commissioners of the provinces of Overijssel, Gelderland and Limburg, the Presidents of the District Governments of Münster, Cologne and Düsseldorf, and the Chairmen of the EUREGIO, Euregio Rhein Waal, euregio rhein maas nord and Euregio Maas Rhein. There will also be a stage programme preceded by several workshops.

Find our more: https://www.grenzlandkonferenz.de/de/

Source and Picture: https://www.grenzlandkonferenz.de/de/