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19 April 2024

WasteAnt wins Start-up Award Competition at the Digital Summit Euregio

Münster. - WasteAnt GmbH from Bremen won the start-up competition at the 4th Digital Summit Euregio in Münster this evening (April 17). With its business idea and presentation, the company impressed the jury and the audience at the German-Dutch technology conference at the IHK Nord Westfalen training center. In the final, WasteAnt came out on top against Nature Robots GmbH from Osnabrück.

WasteAnt turns waste into a valuable resource through AI-based waste quality management using modern sensor technology. This records and analyzes the incoming waste and identifies contaminants and essential characteristics. The Digital Hub münsterLAND, an initiative to promote the digital economy in the region, held the start-up competition. The award, worth 5,555 euros, was funded by the North Westphalian initiative “In|du|strie – Together. Future. Life." 42 companies from Germany and the Netherlands applied for the award. Six of them made it to the semi-finals at the Digital Summit Euregio, from which an expert jury selected two finalists. These were submitted to the public vote at the end of the tech congress. In addition to the winner, the following five start-ups presented their business ideas at the Digital Summit Euregio:

- AKEYI (Münster) -  The start-up supports companies with corporate games in reaching and inspiring people in recruiting and marketing in a playful way. To do this, it has developed a B2B gaming platform.
- AI.Land GmbH (Kempen) - A bot automates monotonous and physically strenuous field work in vegetable cultivation. Customers can purchase from the operator practically from the field with full transparency. The system stocks an individual cooking box, a subscription vegetable box or the boxes for a restaurant order directly in the field. A transporter delivers the goods fresh early in the morning.
- Sauroneye (Enschede/NL) - The young company's “AI Climate Copilot” offers financial companies a complete suite of web-based applications that help them detect, analyze and prioritize climate risks (based on regulations and physical risks). These risks can be mitigated and hedged in your own operations as well as in your customer and contract portfolio.
- Altosens GmbH (Osnabrück) - The technology company offers a monitoring system for monitoring screw forces. It uses force measuring washers and an analysis unit to record forces and detect errors. Other functions include documentation, analysis and notifications of changes.
- Nature Robots GmbH (Osnabrück) - Nature Robots promotes regenerative and ecological agriculture through artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. The spin-off develops long-term autonomous agricultural robotics with its own 3D laser navigation technology and creates spatially and temporally high-resolution 3D crop maps as well as decision-making aids as a basis for multi-year and diversified agriculture. In addition, Nature Robots is developing a full farming system for small-scale, decentralized, biointensive agriculture.

This year's jury for the competition included Ulrich Huggenberger (XITASO GmbH), Thomas Löchte (Informationsfabrik GmbH), Frank Sibbing (Regional Startup Promotion Münsterland e.V.), Petra Spiekermann (Bechtle), Melanie Wagenfort (HEIMATBOOST GmbH) and Sander de Boer (Oost NL).

Source: WasteAnt gewinnt Start-up-Award - IHK Nord Westfalen