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6 September 2023

Presenting the cross-border strategy in Brussels

On 6 September 2023, a high level delegation met with the head of the NRW State Chancellery, Nathanael Liminski, in the House of the Dutch Provinces in Brussels, to present the Cross-border Strategy of North Westphalia and the East Netherlands. 

On 6 September 2023, the Presidium of the North Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Regierungspräsident of Münster, the Rector of the University of Münster, the managing director of the Euregio and the representatives of Twente Board and Oost.nl met with the head of the NRW State Chancellery, Nathanael Liminski, in the House of the Dutch Provinces in Brussels. 

The cross-border strategy of the North Westphalia and Eastern Netherlands regions was the focus of the discussions here. Also represented was the Secretary General of Eurocities André Sobczak as well as representatives of the EU Commission on the topic of battery research.

After the visit to the House of Provinces, Münsterland also presented itself as a special GreenTech region in Europe together with its neighbors from the Netherlands, the North Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Münster Chamber of Crafts and the Euregio.

#crossborderstrategy #brussels #nrw #eurocities

More Information: Brüssel verstehen und Interessen vertreten - IHK Nord Westfalen