“TECH.LAND” Program promotes Cross-border Cooperation on Future Technologies
“Cross-border challenges require cross-border solutions. With the Tech.Land program, the network of our region in the area of important future technologies is making significant progress,” said Münster Mayor Markus Lewe. “The excellent collaboration between the city, science and business with our Dutch partners sustainably strengthens our shared innovation space.”
The city of Münster, together with the University of Münster and the IHK North Westphalia as well as the corresponding partners in the Enschede area (the city of Enschede, the University of Twente and the Twente Board), discussed on the 21st of May 2024 in Enschede the current activities in German-Dutch cooperation.
Across the German-Dutch border, companies and science should benefit from close cooperation in order to fully exploit the region's innovation potential.
Among other things, the actual status of the new technology program “DUTCH - GERMAN TECH.LAND” was introduced. The program is focusing on the four subject areas of energy (battery and hydrogen), advanced manufacturing and robotics, health and medtech as well as circular economy.
“Cross-border challenges require cross-border solutions. With the Tech.Land program, the network of our region in the area of important future technologies is making significant progress,” said Mayor Markus Lewe. “The excellent collaboration between the city, science and business with our Dutch partners sustainably strengthens our shared innovation space.”
The partners of the German-Dutch cooperation met in Enschede on Tuesday, May 21 to discuss the expansion of joint international marketing. The hosting role for the meeting rotates among the participating organizations.
The TECH.LAND program will also be presented by the Mayors of Enschede and Münster at the Eurocities Annual Conference 2024 in Cluj. Click here for further information:
Source: Stadt Münster: Amt für Kommunikation - Pressemeldungen (muenster.de)
Picture: (Archiv IHK Nord Westfalen, Triple-Helix Meeting 27.06.2023)