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20 June 2024

Cluster for Advanced Manufacturing & Robotics starts

On 5 June 2024, representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK Nord Westfalen), the regional development agency Oost NL, and the regional development agency for the Borken region (WFG Borken) gathered for the inaugural meeting at the High Tech Factory Campus of the University of Twente.

The High Tech Factory, a breeding ground and hotspot for nano- and micro-scale startups and scale-ups, provided the ideal setting for participants to exchange information on industrial developments, ongoing projects, and key topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, automation and digitalization, remanufacturing, and data-driven decision-making.

The "Core Team" shared insights and engaged in discussions on potential areas for collaboration and effective joint efforts. They explored opportunities to strengthen and enhance regional projects by leveraging cross-border TECH.LAND connections and identified potential areas for new international projects. Following this promising start, the TECH.LAND cluster for Advanced Manufacturing & Robotics plans to meet again before the summer holidays to maintain momentum and develop a joint roadmap and activity plan.

The long-term ambition of the TECH.LAND program is to facilitate the transformation of the cross-border regions into one of Europe’s leading manufacturing hubs. This vision involves demonstrating the future of manufacturing, stimulating the exchange of knowledge and experience, and fostering cross-border business connections. The goal is to ensure that the North Westphalia region and the East of the Netherlands remain globally competitive in manufacturing, achieved through close cooperation with companies, knowledge institutions, and government entities.

The cluster is working closely together with the Fraunhofer Innovation Platform at the University of Twente, the Mechatronic Institute Bocholt at the Westfälische Hochschule, the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the FH Münster and the Mechatronic Research Group at the Hogeschool Saxion. 

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