MedTech and Health Cluster is pushing forward! Workshop / Booth at the Capital Congress in Berlin!
Good vibes: Last week the Health and MedTech Cluster gave an update on the current status and progress of their crossborder cooperation, which was initiated by Wirtschaftsförderung Münster GmbH. It was a good exchange and a very lively discussion with participants from the Dutch and German health sector.
At the cluster workshop, the partners learned more about the strategic cooperation between TechMed Centre Enschede and RadboudUMC, the Interreg project BRIDGE by UKM Universitätsklinikum Münster, and about a common Dutch-German TECH.LAND trip to the US in June where promising contacts to the MedTech cluster of Minnesota and to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester were established.
Also Interesting: The UKM, MST and Klinikum Osnabrück had a joint booth at the Capital Congress (Hauptstadtkongress) in Berlin in June to present the 360° idea. During this event, the InterregVI project BRIDGE was also presented. This year's congress attracted around 4800 visitors from various areas of the healthcare landscape and was therefore an ideal opportunity to create more visibility for the Euregion and emphasise the advantages of the model region.
Lots of interesting MedTech/Health events are coming up this year and next: e.g. TechMed Week Twente, German-Dutch Business Dialogue on Medtech/Health on 3rd of December at UKM in Münster, MedTech Twente Event at Techmed Centre/University of Twente on 5th & 6th November in Enschede. Preview for 2025: the big TECH.LAND Event in October 2025 at Halle Münsterland and a Prevention Event planned by UKM.
Find our more from Antje Wunderlich-Mummenhoff and the new project channel of the BRIDGE Interreg project.
Picture: Antje Wunderlich-Mummenhoff